Things We Got Just Right (Innovation over Tradition)
by Stacey Denny | Sep 23, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
My phone rang not long ago. It was a Quaker calling from out-of-state, whom I had met several years ago at a conference. He called because their Quaker meeting was in decline, and he wanted to know if I had any suggestions that might revive their meeting. He said,...
Things We Got Just Right (Vesting Power in People, Not Positions)
by Stacey Denny | Jul 24, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
When I first came to Fairfield, I had a bad case of the big head. I’d had several books published, still had hair, was married to a striking, intelligent woman, and was under the impression I was God’s gift to Quakerism. I rolled into here thinking how lucky you all...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community
by Stacey Denny | Mar 26, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
I was being a curmudgeon the other day, talking with someone about how young people today don’t know anything about history, when it occurred to me that until I was 30 or so, the only thing I knew about World War II was what I learned from watching Hogan’s Heroes. A...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)
by Stacey Denny | Dec 23, 2023 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO One of humanity’s biggest problems is that people who think they’re wonderful often aren’t, and people who are wonderful seldom believe they are. It’s nearly impossible to persuade a narcissist of his need to grow. And similarly, it’s incredibly hard to...Upcoming Events
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