You Might Be a Humanist If…(1)
by Stacey Denny | Aug 13, 2022 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO Good morning, friends. It is good to be back after yearly meeting and Fifth Sunday. After speculating three Sundays ago that if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a humanist, I am announcing the beginning of a new series entitled, “You Might Be a Humanist...What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (9)
by Stacey Denny | May 9, 2022 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO I was talking with a man not long ago who learned during our conversation that I was a Quaker minister. He said, “I used to be a pastor.” I asked him how long he had served as a pastor and he said, “Well, it was a long time ago, and I only lasted three...Characteristics of Good Relationships (5)
by Stacey Denny | Feb 26, 2021 | GraceTalk Messages
What a beautiful week! Eight inches of snow fell in Danville and I have four neighbors with snow blowers and plows, so I phoned them the morning after the big snow to tell them I was holding a Good Neighbor Contest and it was down to the four of them. Then I sat down...Growing Up (12)
by Stacey Denny | Sep 21, 2020 | GraceTalk Messages
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this sermon series on the characteristics of grown-up people. This is the 12th sermon in this series, which makes it the longest sermon series I’ve ever given. Since God gave only 10 commandments, it feels arrogant to exceed that number, to...Upcoming Events
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