Christianity 101: God 

Christianity 101: God 

VIEW VIDEO  I was talking with a young person this week who wants to be a doctor and I thought what a noble profession medicine is, how when you’re a doctor people respect your advice, because they know you’ve studied many years and passed a test confirming your...
Christianity 101: God 

Palm Sunday 2022 (John 12:12-26)

Well, it’s a pleasure to be here. If my records are correct, this is my fifth time to speak from this pulpit, which means I’ve spoken here one more time than I did the first church I pastored, where I lasted only four Sundays before letting it slip I didn’t believe in...
Christianity 101: God 

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (3)

I’ve been organizing my garage, getting it ready for spring, wanting to make sufficient room for my pursuits. I like motorcycles, so I left room for them. I’ve ridden motorcycles for 45 years now, and don’t think I’ll be giving them up anytime soon. I decided to make...
Christianity 101: God 

The Great Replacement

VIEW VIDEO  Tomorrow we’re celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a fitting time to honor the life of a moral pioneer, who helped the world perceive the insidious evil of racism and pointed all of us, black and white alike, to a promised land of racial justice. It...