Our Family Reunion

Our Family Reunion

VIEW VIDEO My family on my Dad’s side were coal miners from southern Illinois, to the chagrin of my paternal grandmother who wanted everyone to think she was from England and personal friends with the Queen. She and my grandfather had lived in London for about ten...
Our Family Reunion

Habits of Wholeness (1)

VIEW VIDEO I’ve made no secret of my passion for motorcycling, so you’ll be surprised to learn that this past month I actually gave away two of my motorcycles as gifts to friends, so coincidentally had room for another motorcycle, a 1971 BMW r75/5, that was built in...
Our Family Reunion

Characteristics of Good Relationships (5)

What a beautiful week! Eight inches of snow fell in Danville and I have four neighbors with snow blowers and plows, so I phoned them the morning after the big snow to tell them I was holding a Good Neighbor Contest and it was down to the four of them. Then I sat down...
Our Family Reunion

Characteristics of Good Relationships (1)

Last Sunday, I had intended to begin a sermon series on the characteristics of good relationships, but we were rudely interrupted by an insurrectionist mob, which could not be ignored. Nevertheless I will not be deterred from my duty, so will pick up where we left...
What Makes a Space Sacred

What Makes a Space Sacred

I remember when I was a kid going to school, and the Highlights magazine would arrive, which I loved. Our teacher would give us a half hour at the end of the day to read it, and I would lose myself in it, reading the exploits of Ma and Pa Timbertoes, with their...