What in the World Were We Thinking (Adversarial Religion) Philip Gulley
by Stacey Denny | Jun 3, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
I remember when I was in the sixth grade and my best friend was a boy named Joe who was a Jehovah’s Witness. I was still Catholic and believed Joe was going to hell so made it my purpose in life to point out the errors of his religion and convert him to the One True...What In the World Were We Thinking? (Our Belief in the End Times)
by Stacey Denny | Apr 20, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
Well, that was some eclipse, wasn’t it? I hope you were able to enjoy it since we won’t have another one until 2153, 129 years from now. Thirty-five of us gathered on the kitchen porch here at the meetinghouse. Herb and Chris grilled hot dogs and we ate moon pies and...How to Die Before You’re Dead (9)
by Stacey Denny | Dec 28, 2023 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO When we moved to Danville, 25 years ago, most of the houses now in our neighborhood weren’t yet there. We were pioneers, along with the Comers, who lived on the other side of the neighborhood, we could just see the smoke from their cooking fire. In between...Finding Our Way (4)
by Stacey Denny | Aug 12, 2023 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO What an eventful week it was last week, the annual motorcycle trip of the Quaker Oatlaws Motorcycle Club, followed by the 165th annual sessions of Western Yearly Meeting, which I have attended 46 years in a row. Both went smoothly, though not as I had...Upcoming Events
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