Things We Got Just Right (Sacramental Living)
by Stacey Denny | Jun 20, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
When our children were born, Joan bought a camera and started taking pictures. Pictures of everything—vacations, hikes, family gatherings, birthday parties, first haircuts, first days of school, holidays, thousands of pictures. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it...
What in the World Were We Thinking (Adversarial Religion) Philip Gulley
by Stacey Denny | Jun 3, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
I remember when I was in the sixth grade and my best friend was a boy named Joe who was a Jehovah’s Witness. I was still Catholic and believed Joe was going to hell so made it my purpose in life to point out the errors of his religion and convert him to the One True...
Quaker Qualities (Not Simplicity, but Generosity)
by Stacey Denny | Mar 6, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
When I was 32 years old, I received a phone call from the Friends World Committee for Consultation, asking if I would serve on their Executive Committee. This was a big deal in Quakerism, like being asked to serve on the college of cardinals and pick a new pope. I was...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (10)
by Stacey Denny | Jan 19, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
It is good to be back with all of you, our friends. Our visit to Texas went well. Joan drove the entire way, every mile. 2,400 miles, round trip. Did you know once you become president, you are never again permitted to drive on a public road? You have a driver for the...Upcoming Events
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