Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

I’ve been talking about things I’ve learned from Christmas, and you all have been so patient to indulge my musings. We began by thinking about anticipation and how the anticipation of an event is often better than the event itself. I concluded by urging you to dream...
Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (10)

VIEW VIDEO  It occurred to me this past week that it’s been 25 years since my first book was published and I found myself at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee signing copies of my book, alongside a man named Tim LaHaye who had written a book called Left Behind, the...
Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (1)

VIEW VIDEO  I had plans this this past Monday to pull weeds in our flowerbeds, but it was too hot, so I watched a YouTube video instead. To be honest, it doesn’t have to be all that hot to keep me from pulling weeds. The YouTube clip was a debate between Christopher...
Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)


VIEW VIDEO It’s been wonderful being on vacation. Our son Sam and his wife Kelsea came down from Fairbanks, Alaska, with their dog Maggie, who met another dog during their visit and went into heat, which added an interesting dimension to our time together. It’s a...
Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

Habits of Wholeness (8)

VIEW VIDEO Several years ago, Chris and Anne Gautier were at the farmhouse with Joan and me. It was in the summertime and we were sitting outside watching the birds, which were just thick down there. As we were watching, an iridescent blue bird landed on a feeder and...