Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

Quaker Qualities (Consistent Compassion)

This past week, I was at the bank and noticed the young woman working as a teller had her preferred pronouns, “she/her,” written on her name tag, just after her name. I thought, “Well, that’s just because she’s young and idealistic,” but then I noticed all...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

I know those people who were counting on a stunning come-from-behind victory for Vivek Ramaswamy are surely disappointed after his departure from the presidential race this week. I think we can all agree our nation has been well-served by billionaires with no...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

How to Die Before You’re Dead (9)

VIEW VIDEO  When we moved to Danville, 25 years ago, most of the houses now in our neighborhood weren’t yet there. We were pioneers, along with the Comers, who lived on the other side of the neighborhood, we could just see the smoke from their cooking fire. In between...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

VIEW VIDEO  One of humanity’s biggest problems is that people who think they’re wonderful often aren’t, and people who are wonderful seldom believe they are. It’s nearly impossible to persuade a narcissist of his need to grow. And similarly, it’s incredibly hard to...