The Great Replacement

The Great Replacement

VIEW VIDEO  Tomorrow we’re celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a fitting time to honor the life of a moral pioneer, who helped the world perceive the insidious evil of racism and pointed all of us, black and white alike, to a promised land of racial justice. It...
The Great Replacement

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (6)

The Royal Theater in Danville has gotten a facelift this summer, which I was glad to see, having spent a good part of my childhood inside its storied walls watching the old Westerns, which is where I learned about justice, that the good guy always won, and the bad...
The Great Replacement


VIEW VIDEO It’s been wonderful being on vacation. Our son Sam and his wife Kelsea came down from Fairbanks, Alaska, with their dog Maggie, who met another dog during their visit and went into heat, which added an interesting dimension to our time together. It’s a...
The Great Replacement

Characteristics of Good Relationships (5)

What a beautiful week! Eight inches of snow fell in Danville and I have four neighbors with snow blowers and plows, so I phoned them the morning after the big snow to tell them I was holding a Good Neighbor Contest and it was down to the four of them. Then I sat down...