A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

VIEW VIDEO   These past few years, since her husband became disabled, I’ve been doing the upkeep on my sister’s home. It’s a well-built home, built in the 1960s of Bedford limestone, but was nearly ruined by the previous owner who fancied himself an expert on home...
A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

You Might Be a Humanist If…(2) 

VIEW VIDEO  The interesting thing about living in the same town you grew up in is the almost daily reminders not only of your best moments, but also your worst. Every street, sometimes every house, is a picture album, eliciting a memory, good or bad. In between our...
A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (4)

VIEW VIDEO  It is good to be back with you. I was in North Carolina last Sunday, speaking to Baptists at a Methodist retreat center. I drove down, but Joan stayed in Danville, hoping to avoid my habit of listening to radio preachers on long car trips. I listen not so...
A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (2)

VIEW VIDEO  Last week, we thought about what it means to be spiritual. We observed that while we can be compelled to participate in religious rituals, either by family or social norms, no one can compel us to be spiritual. We can never be spiritual just because...
A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (1)

VIEW VIDEO  I was at the dentist’s this past week, bound to the chair with thick leather straps, the dental hygienist was cleaning between my teeth with a jackhammer, and Justin Bieber came on the radio singing All I Want for Christmas Is You. And there I was, stuck,...