Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (5)

Growing Up (6)

We’ve been babysitting our granddaughter Madeline this summer, while her mother and father work. Her other grandparents attend a conservative Baptist church and have made some effort to bring Madeline around to their way of thinking, so I’ve taught Madeline to say,...
Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (5)

Growing Up (5)

It rained this past Tuesday and the kids next door played games on their front porch. It reminded me of when I was a kid, how on rainy days we’d gather on our front porch and play this game we called Imagine. “Imagine,” we would say, “you were the President of the...
Impatience Is A Virtue

Impatience Is A Virtue

I was at the Clayton Café this past Wednesday, eating lunch with the Quaker men. There are 8-10 of us there every Wednesday at noon. You’re welcome to join us. Membership is not required. Jim McClung was there, and in a happy mood, reporting that while on his way...
Impatience Is A Virtue

God and Guns

I remember when I was maybe six or seven years old and it came time for Christmas. My mom and dad must have come into a little extra money¸ because they asked us what we wanted for Christmas, which they had never done. We’d always just gotten what they could afford....