Our Family Reunion

Our Family Reunion

VIEW VIDEO My family on my Dad’s side were coal miners from southern Illinois, to the chagrin of my paternal grandmother who wanted everyone to think she was from England and personal friends with the Queen. She and my grandfather had lived in London for about ten...
Our Family Reunion

Growing Up (6)

We’ve been babysitting our granddaughter Madeline this summer, while her mother and father work. Her other grandparents attend a conservative Baptist church and have made some effort to bring Madeline around to their way of thinking, so I’ve taught Madeline to say,...
Our Family Reunion

Growing Up (1)

This past Monday, I was in a bad mood, out of sorts, and Joan was getting exasperated with me. We ordinarily get along very well, but I discerned from her plain Quaker speech that she was exasperated with me. “What’s wrong with you today?” she asked. I didn’t want to...