Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (9)  

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (2)

VIEW VIDEO  I made the mistake of reading an article about retirement several months ago that made me nervous about our finances. Neither Joan nor I have pensions, so the only thing we have for retirement is the money we’ve managed to save, and are starting to worry...
Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (9)  

Characteristics of Good Relationships (1)

Last Sunday, I had intended to begin a sermon series on the characteristics of good relationships, but we were rudely interrupted by an insurrectionist mob, which could not be ignored. Nevertheless I will not be deterred from my duty, so will pick up where we left...
Pay Close Attention

Pay Close Attention

Our granddaughter Madeline was visiting us last Saturday. Joan had to go to the grocery store, so I was watching Madeline. Her fifth birthday was this past Friday, so we were talking about that, and were having this wonderful conversation, when she asked me how babies...