Finding Our Way (10)

Finding Our Way (10)

VIEW VIDEO  Last month, Frank Gladden, bemoaning the scarcity of rain, questioned whether I had any pull with the Lord. I said, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?” He said, “My beans need rain. A real preacher would get me some rain.” So to save Frank’s beans and my...
Finding Our Way (10)

Finding Our Way (4)

VIEW VIDEO  What an eventful week it was last week, the annual motorcycle trip of the Quaker Oatlaws Motorcycle Club, followed by the 165th annual sessions of Western Yearly Meeting, which I have attended 46 years in a row. Both went smoothly, though not as I had...
Finding Our Way (10)

Finding Our Way (3)    

VIEW VIDEO  I have a cousin who ended up in the hospital a few months ago thinking he was going to die. Fortunately, he turned the corner, but there for a little while his mind was turned to his own mortality, so had a will drawn up, and phoned to ask if I would be...
Finding Our Way (10)

Christianity 101: The End Times 

VIEW VIDEO  Well, I was in Dallas this past week to speak to a pastor’s conference and according to a sign I saw on the way from the airport to the event, the world is ending any day now. The sign said Jesus is coming back. The sign didn’t say where he had been, but...
Finding Our Way (10)

Christianity 101: Does Jesus Save Us?

Back when I was 16, and the Catholics traded me to the Quakers for two draft picks yet to be announced, I had to learn a whole new way of doing church. Out went the male-only leadership and obeying them always, in came Quaker women on a mission from God and staying...