Growing Up (11)

Growing Up (11)

We have a friend whose son went off to college a few weeks ago. I was speaking with his father about it, who doubted his son’s ability to live on his own. “He won’t even make his own bed,” he told me. “I don’t how he’s going to succeed in school.” I had never seen his...
Growing Up (11)


John 11:1-44                          I went to Amish country this week, out to Parke County, with my son Spencer to buy gates for his farm. It was sunny and Madeline was with us, so it was a good day. I enjoy spending time with the Amish. We’re seeing more of them...
Growing Up (11)

Easter 2020

 What comes after death? I’ve been thinking about that this week, partly because it’s Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday, and partly because this pandemic is causing me to wonder what comes after this virus has departed or been defeated. What comes after...
That Name Would Not Have Occurred to Me

That Name Would Not Have Occurred to Me

When I was nineteen I moved to Plainfield and rented an apartment a few blocks from Plainfield Friends Meeting where I began to attend meeting. Jim Wilson was the pastor. The Catholic priests I had known as a child tended to be distant, but Jim was gregarious, a...
That Name Would Not Have Occurred to Me

Let Your Life Speak

We’ve been dabbling in the Quaker sayings these past several weeks. We talked about Minding the Light and That of God In All People. Last Sunday, Keith Wimmersberger explored the historic parallels between Baptist and Quaker spirituality, our chief similarities being...