Characteristics of Good Relationships (1)

Characteristics of Good Relationships (1)

Last Sunday, I had intended to begin a sermon series on the characteristics of good relationships, but we were rudely interrupted by an insurrectionist mob, which could not be ignored. Nevertheless I will not be deterred from my duty, so will pick up where we left...
The Missing Fruits (Truth)

The Missing Fruits (Truth)

Election time is fast approaching in Danville, we’re voting in a new town board, and the town is abuzz with gossip and speculation. The yard signs are popping up like dandelions, people are staking out their claims, forming alliances, and avoiding people they’ve known...
The Missing Fruits (Truth)

Fruits of the Spirit (7) (Galatians 5:22)

Joan and I were at the grocery store this week, and while she was shopping I was standing at the magazine rack reading and came across a fascinating story about a Japanese soldier from World War II, who evaded capture until 1975, when authorities on a Philippine...