Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (5)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (5)

Religions are good at valuing truth, so long as it is old truth. When I was a kid, I delivered The Indianapolis News to 26 customers on the southside of Danville. It was the smallest paper route in town, due to my unwillingness to sign on new subscribers. Having only...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (5)

Characteristics of Good Relationships (3)

VIEW VIDEO In my first church, whenever we had a meeting for business and someone would share an idea, there was this guy who’d stand up and say, “Let me tell you why that won’t work.” Sometimes, just to mix things up, he’d say, “Let me just play the devil’s advocate,...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (5)

Growing Up (3)

The past two Saturdays, I’ve thrown caution to the wind and ridden motorcycles down to the Hilltop Restaurant with Mike Goss to have fried chicken. We go in late afternoon to avoid the crowds and eat outside on the patio. I order fried chicken, which has been...
Swapping Our Morality

Swapping Our Morality

Joan and I went to the farmhouse the day after Christmas for a long weekend. The weather was warm for winter, and rainy, which didn’t deter Joan from walking five miles a day. I stayed home while she walked, just in case the house caught on fire or a water pipe burst....