Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

VIEW VIDEO  I was at a weeklong conference up north about fifteen or so years ago. One morning after I spoke, I was chatting with folks, shaking hands, that kind of thing, when I was approached by three women, who asked if I would meet with them privately that...
Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

Christianity 101: What God Can’t Do  

VIEW VIDEO  When I was a kid there was this boy in my catechism class named Matt, who, though appearing human, was thought to be demonic. When Father McLaughlin at our Catholic Church gave a sermon in which he described the devil, everyone turned and looked at Matt....
Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

You Might Be a Humanist If… (4) 

VIEW VIDEO  “We affirm humanism as a realistic alternative to theologies of despair and ideologies of violence and as a source of rich personal significance and genuine satisfaction in the service to others.” – Paul Kurtz of Free Inquiry Whenever we go to the farm, we...
Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

You Might Be a Humanist If…(1) 

VIEW VIDEO  Good morning, friends. It is good to be back after yearly meeting and Fifth Sunday. After speculating three Sundays ago that if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a humanist, I am announcing the beginning of a new series entitled, “You Might Be a Humanist...