Why I Am Woke    

Christianity 101: What God Can’t Do  

VIEW VIDEO  When I was a kid there was this boy in my catechism class named Matt, who, though appearing human, was thought to be demonic. When Father McLaughlin at our Catholic Church gave a sermon in which he described the devil, everyone turned and looked at Matt....
Why I Am Woke    

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (4)

VIEW VIDEO  It is good to be back with you. I was in North Carolina last Sunday, speaking to Baptists at a Methodist retreat center. I drove down, but Joan stayed in Danville, hoping to avoid my habit of listening to radio preachers on long car trips. I listen not so...
Why I Am Woke    

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

It is good to be back with you. I spent last weekend riding motorcycles with the Quaker Oatlaws Motorcycle Club and ended up at the Abraham Lincoln Boyhood Home in Lincoln City, Indiana, where the accomplishments of President Lincoln were on full display. When we...
Why I Am Woke    

Habits of Wholeness (2)

VIEW VIDEO One of my favorite things in our local newspaper, The Republican, is the yesteryear column that recalls local news from decades ago. This week’s column reminded readers that in 1971 all my family but me went to Vincennes to celebrate my sister’s birthday,...