Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

It is good to be back with you. I spent last weekend riding motorcycles with the Quaker Oatlaws Motorcycle Club and ended up at the Abraham Lincoln Boyhood Home in Lincoln City, Indiana, where the accomplishments of President Lincoln were on full display. When we...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

Characteristics of Good Relationships (1)

Last Sunday, I had intended to begin a sermon series on the characteristics of good relationships, but we were rudely interrupted by an insurrectionist mob, which could not be ignored. Nevertheless I will not be deterred from my duty, so will pick up where we left...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

Easter 2020

 What comes after death? I’ve been thinking about that this week, partly because it’s Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday, and partly because this pandemic is causing me to wonder what comes after this virus has departed or been defeated. What comes after...