Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (7)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (7)

VIEW VIDEO  One of the things I like most about living in a neighborhood is watching people move in and out. Some people you hate to see move away, and others you don’t. The best moment is when the moving van pulls up, and watching discretely as your new neighbors...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (7)

Habits of Wholeness (1)

VIEW VIDEO I’ve made no secret of my passion for motorcycling, so you’ll be surprised to learn that this past month I actually gave away two of my motorcycles as gifts to friends, so coincidentally had room for another motorcycle, a 1971 BMW r75/5, that was built in...
What Makes a Space Sacred

What Makes a Space Sacred

I remember when I was a kid going to school, and the Highlights magazine would arrive, which I loved. Our teacher would give us a half hour at the end of the day to read it, and I would lose myself in it, reading the exploits of Ma and Pa Timbertoes, with their...