Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

A friend of mine posted a picture of a snake on a tree. The caption read, “Find the snake.” I looked and looked, but never could find it, because the snake was so well camouflaged I couldn’t see where the tree ended and the snake began. It was probably just as well...
Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

When Virtues Collide

Several weeks ago, the storm that knocked down buildings on Mooresville’s Main Street, toppled a tree in our yard, causing it to fall on, and demolish, our neighbor’s split rail fence. You’ll be shocked to learn the damage wasn’t covered by my homeowner’s insurance....
Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

Jesus and Social Distancing

  **VIEW VIDEO MESSAGE** I was listening to the news on my office radio the other day and a commentator on NPR described “social distancing” as a new development, something we’ve never done before. I don’t know what world that commentator has lived in, but...
The Healing Power of Normalcy

The Healing Power of Normalcy

I want to thank the meeting for its love to my family this past week—the visits, the letters, the phone calls, and all the delicious food after the funeral of my father. An interesting custom, the funeral dinner. In the gospel of John, in the 21st chapter, it tells...