Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (10)

You Might Be a Humanist If… (6) 

VIEW VIDEO  We are citizens of the universe…– Paul Kurtz of Free Inquiry I’ve been thinking about our new grandson, Miles Henry Gulley, now 26 days old. If he had been born in China, he would be almost 10 months old, since infants born there are dated from the date of...
Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (10)

Growing Up (2)

I have a buddy who lives in Florida, who posts pictures of the beach in February, when all his friends up north are miserable with gloom and cold. He’s a retired minister and I know I should be happy he’s enjoying his senior years, but from December to March every...