Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (5)

Growing Up (5)

It rained this past Tuesday and the kids next door played games on their front porch. It reminded me of when I was a kid, how on rainy days we’d gather on our front porch and play this game we called Imagine. “Imagine,” we would say, “you were the President of the...
Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (5)

Growing Up (3)

The past two Saturdays, I’ve thrown caution to the wind and ridden motorcycles down to the Hilltop Restaurant with Mike Goss to have fried chicken. We go in late afternoon to avoid the crowds and eat outside on the patio. I order fried chicken, which has been...
Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (5)

Easter 2020

 What comes after death? I’ve been thinking about that this week, partly because it’s Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday, and partly because this pandemic is causing me to wonder what comes after this virus has departed or been defeated. What comes after...
Doing Right When the World is Doing Wrong

Doing Right When the World is Doing Wrong

After Dad passed away this last summer, my brother David divided up the family pictures and brought them to Thanksgiving dinner to distribute to the siblings. So I’ve been looking through them, stirring my memory, and came across a picture from when Dad coached the...