Let’s Graduate

Let’s Graduate

VIEW VIDEO  It is an honor to have our graduates with us today. How proud your family must be of you, and how delighted we are of your accomplishments.  For the past twelve years, some days when you didn’t feel like it, you woke up, got cleaned up, got dressed, ate...
Let’s Graduate

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (1)

VIEW VIDEO  Have you ever noticed that as you age your mind returns to distant moments in your life, events that seemed unimportant at the time, but when viewed in retrospect take on significance? Perhaps it was the first time you met your spouse. When my mother was...
Let’s Graduate

Characteristics of Good Relationships (6)

Well, it’s good to be back. Joan and I enjoyed a weekend at the farm, and are now refreshed. Many thanks to Amanda Gainey and Ned Steele who rose to the occasion in my absence last Sunday. If I had a major award to share, I would share it with them. Joan received her...
Let’s Graduate

Characteristics of Good Relationships (5)

What a beautiful week! Eight inches of snow fell in Danville and I have four neighbors with snow blowers and plows, so I phoned them the morning after the big snow to tell them I was holding a Good Neighbor Contest and it was down to the four of them. Then I sat down...