How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

I know those people who were counting on a stunning come-from-behind victory for Vivek Ramaswamy are surely disappointed after his departure from the presidential race this week. I think we can all agree our nation has been well-served by billionaires with no...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (10)

It is good to be back with all of you, our friends. Our visit to Texas went well. Joan drove the entire way, every mile. 2,400 miles, round trip. Did you know once you become president, you are never again permitted to drive on a public road? You have a driver for the...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

Finding Our Way (8)

VIEW VIDEO  I attended a Quaker conference this past spring where one of the event’s sponsors, a non-Quaker wanting to sell us insurance, started listing all the good things Quakers had done over the years—the antislavery work, the work for women’s equality, our...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

Christianity 101: The End Times 

VIEW VIDEO  Well, I was in Dallas this past week to speak to a pastor’s conference and according to a sign I saw on the way from the airport to the event, the world is ending any day now. The sign said Jesus is coming back. The sign didn’t say where he had been, but...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

VIEW VIDEO  I was at a weeklong conference up north about fifteen or so years ago. One morning after I spoke, I was chatting with folks, shaking hands, that kind of thing, when I was approached by three women, who asked if I would meet with them privately that...