Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (3) 

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (3) 

VIEW VIDEO  We’re having a screenhouse built at our farm, so I visited an Amish man who makes doors and windows and purchased a screen door. The Amish man turned out to be this nice guy who doesn’t mind answering my questions about Amish traditions and customs. While...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (3) 

Growing Up (9)

I have a friend who’s getting ready to ride his motorcycle across the country and stopped by the house one night this past week to tell me all the details. He invited me to join him, but I’m uninterested in any motorcycle trip that doesn’t end in fried chicken, so I...
Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (3) 

Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

A friend of mine posted a picture of a snake on a tree. The caption read, “Find the snake.” I looked and looked, but never could find it, because the snake was so well camouflaged I couldn’t see where the tree ended and the snake began. It was probably just as well...
What Makes a Space Sacred

What Makes a Space Sacred

I remember when I was a kid going to school, and the Highlights magazine would arrive, which I loved. Our teacher would give us a half hour at the end of the day to read it, and I would lose myself in it, reading the exploits of Ma and Pa Timbertoes, with their...
What Makes a Space Sacred

That Name Would Not Have Occurred to Me

When I was nineteen I moved to Plainfield and rented an apartment a few blocks from Plainfield Friends Meeting where I began to attend meeting. Jim Wilson was the pastor. The Catholic priests I had known as a child tended to be distant, but Jim was gregarious, a...