Habits of Wholeness (5)

Habits of Wholeness (5)

VIEW VIDEO When I applied for seminary, I had to undergo psychological testing to discern my mental fitness for ministry. This was in 1988, when Chris Gautier’s grandmother, Dr. Sue Cardwell, did the psychological evaluations for Christian Theological Seminary. She is...
Habits of Wholeness (5)

Habits of Wholeness (1)

VIEW VIDEO I’ve made no secret of my passion for motorcycling, so you’ll be surprised to learn that this past month I actually gave away two of my motorcycles as gifts to friends, so coincidentally had room for another motorcycle, a 1971 BMW r75/5, that was built in...
Habits of Wholeness (5)

Growing Up (3)

The past two Saturdays, I’ve thrown caution to the wind and ridden motorcycles down to the Hilltop Restaurant with Mike Goss to have fried chicken. We go in late afternoon to avoid the crowds and eat outside on the patio. I order fried chicken, which has been...