Stuff I Want to Do: A Geezer’s Manifesto (8)  

The Great Replacement

VIEW VIDEO  Tomorrow we’re celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a fitting time to honor the life of a moral pioneer, who helped the world perceive the insidious evil of racism and pointed all of us, black and white alike, to a promised land of racial justice. It...
Stuff I Want to Do: A Geezer’s Manifesto (8)  


VIEW VIDEO A few years ago, Joan got mad at The Indianapolis Star and cancelled our subscription. I’ve never known Joan to be mad at a person, but if you’re a corporation, you’d better not cross her. So now we subscribe to The New York Times, and I’ve downloaded the...
Stuff I Want to Do: A Geezer’s Manifesto (8)  

Growing Up (12)

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this sermon series on the characteristics of grown-up people. This is the 12th sermon in this series, which makes it the longest sermon series I’ve ever given. Since God gave only 10 commandments, it feels arrogant to exceed that number, to...