Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (11) 

A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

VIEW VIDEO   These past few years, since her husband became disabled, I’ve been doing the upkeep on my sister’s home. It’s a well-built home, built in the 1960s of Bedford limestone, but was nearly ruined by the previous owner who fancied himself an expert on home...
Stuff I Want to Do Before I Croak: A Geezer’s Manifesto (11) 

Epiphanies and Other Things I Question  

VIEW VIDEO  One of the things I admire about Joan, besides her intelligence, kindness, and beauty, is her uncanny knack for remembering dates. Sometimes, out of the blue, she’ll mention, “Today is so-and-so’s birthday,” and it will be someone we knew 30 years ago who...